vrijdag 29 februari 2008

Zwart Boek

3 opmerkingen:

liamke zei

Ann Dudley's score Black Book (Zwart Boek)from the director Paul Verhoeven.



Jean zei

Hello, Liamke I'm a new one in the community of share here my blog http://shareyes.blogspot.com/

But for now I would like to thank you very much for this soundtrack, I like it very much and also the film, also thank you for one or two other I'm finding on your wonderful blog, it's a joy to share some music with all the lovers of music soundtrack.

It's also a joy to find your blog.
Sorry for my poor english.

liamke zei

Hi Jean,
The music of Anne is wonderfull,also the direction of Paul Verhoeven.
BTW merci pour votre message,felicitations avec SHAREYES!
a bientot mon ami....
